Thomas /Richards/ 
               Thomas /RICHARDS/ 
               |  |
               |  Mary /McDonald/ 
            James /RICHARDS/ b.1810 d.1890 
            |  |
            |  |        Thomas /Matthews/ b.1680 
            |  |        |
            |  |     Joseph /Matthews/ b.1707 d.1795 
            |  |     |  |
            |  |     |  Hester // 
            |  |     |  
            |  |  Thomas /Matthews/ b.1746 d.1825 
            |  |  |  |
            |  |  |  Grace /Webb/ b.1719 
            |  |  |  
            |  Mary /Matthews/ b.1787 
            |     |
            |     |  John /Victor/ 
            |     |  |
            |     Jane /Victor/ 
            |        |
            |        Jane /Marrack/ 
         Francis (Frank) /RICHARDS/ b.1853 d.1922 
         |  |
         |  |  Abraham /WRIGHT/ d.1839 
         |  |  |
         |  Jane /WRIGHT/ b.1816 d.1889 
         |     |
         |     Mary /Unknown/ 
      Francis (Frank) /RICHARDS/ b.1875 d.1944 
      |  |
      |  |           James /Ellis/ b.1715 
      |  |           |
      |  |        Justus /Ellis/ b.1757 d.1834 
      |  |        |  |
      |  |        |  |                    Henry /Angwin/ b.1489 
      |  |        |  |                    |
      |  |        |  |                 Martin /Angwin/ b.1518 d.1594 
      |  |        |  |                 |
      |  |        |  |              Martin /Angwin/ b.1542 
      |  |        |  |              |  |
      |  |        |  |              |  |        ...
      |  |        |  |              |  |        |
      |  |        |  |              |  |     Richard /Lanyon/ 
      |  |        |  |              |  |     |  |
      |  |        |  |              |  |     |  ...
      |  |        |  |              |  |     |  
      |  |        |  |              |  |  William /Lanyon/ b.1480 
      |  |        |  |              |  |  |  |
      |  |        |  |              |  |  |  |  ...
      |  |        |  |              |  |  |  |  |
      |  |        |  |              |  |  |  Isabell /Trelysick/ 
      |  |        |  |              |  |  |  
      |  |        |  |              |  Cicely /Lanyon/ b.1519 d.1593 
      |  |        |  |              |     |
      |  |        |  |              |     Thomasine /Tregian/ b.1484 
      |  |        |  |              |     
      |  |        |  |           Henry /Angwin/ b.1566 d.1615 
      |  |        |  |           |  |
      |  |        |  |           |  Jedua // b.1543 
      |  |        |  |           |  
      |  |        |  |        Bennett /Angwin/ b.1610 d.1665 
      |  |        |  |        |  |
      |  |        |  |        |  |  Harry /Respanell/ b.1540 
      |  |        |  |        |  |  |
      |  |        |  |        |  Jane /Respinall/ b.1570 d.1624 
      |  |        |  |        |     |
      |  |        |  |        |     Constance // 
      |  |        |  |        |     
      |  |        |  |     Josiah /Angwin/ b.1645 d.1711 
      |  |        |  |     |  |
      |  |        |  |     |  Jane // b.1609 d.1670 
      |  |        |  |     |  
      |  |        |  |  Justus /Angwin/ b.1687 d.1733 
      |  |        |  |  |  |
      |  |        |  |  |  Grace /Thomas/ b.1650 
      |  |        |  |  |  
      |  |        |  Isabella (Sibella?) /Angwin/ b.1719 
      |  |        |     |
      |  |        |     |  Benjamin /Hampton/ b.1662 
      |  |        |     |  |
      |  |        |     Jane /Hampton/ b.1688 d.1760 
      |  |        |        |
      |  |        |        Elizabeth // 
      |  |        |        
      |  |     Robert /Ellis/ b.1786 
      |  |     |  |
      |  |     |  Joan /Thomas/ 
      |  |     |  
      |  |  Thomas /Ellis/ b.1828 
      |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  Jane /Harris/ b.1785 
      |  |  |  
      |  Merinda /Ellis/ b.1854 d.1924 
      |     |
      |     |  Joseph /GILLISS/ 
      |     |  |
      |     Grace /Gilliss/ b.1831 
      |        |
      |        Catherine /RAPSON/ 
   Frederick Francis /RICHARDS/ b.1902 d.1978 
   |  |
   |  |  Frederick /FORSSMAN/ b.1839 d.1880 
   |  |  |
   |  Louise /FORSSMAN/ b.1876 d.1931 
   |     |
   |     Ellen Oakley /HOULDEN/ b.1844 d.1916 
 Leslie /RICHARDS/ 
   Rosetta (Rose) Pearl /Sawkins/ b.6 September 1904 d.1986 

                 Constance                                       Anc. Des. M1. Harry /Respanell/
                 Elizabeth                                       Anc. Des. M1. Benjamin /Hampton/
                 Hester                                          Anc. Des. M1. Thomas /Matthews/
                 Jane                     b.1609 d.1670          Anc. Des. M1. Bennett /Angwin/
                 Jedua                    b.1543                 Anc. Des. M1. Martin /Angwin/

Angwin           Bennett                  b.1610 d.1665 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Jane //
Angwin           Henry                    b.1489                 Anc. Des. M1. 
Angwin           Henry                    b.1566 d.1615 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Jane /Respinall/
Angwin           Isabella.(Sibella?)      b.1719        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. James /Ellis/
Angwin           Josiah                   b.1645 d.1711 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Grace /Thomas/
Angwin           Justus                   b.1687 d.1733 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Jane /Hampton/
Angwin           Martin                   b.1518 d.1594 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Cicely /Lanyon/
Angwin           Martin                   b.1542        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Jedua //

Ellis            James                    b.1715                 Anc. Des. M1. Isabella (Sibella?) /Angwin/
Ellis            Justus                   b.1757 d.1834 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Joan /Thomas/
Ellis            Merinda                  b.1854 d.1924 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Francis (Frank) /RICHARDS/
Ellis            Robert                   b.1786        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Jane /Harris/
Ellis            Thomas                   b.1828        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Grace /Gilliss/

FORSSMAN         Frederick                b.1839 d.1880          Anc. Des. M1. Ellen Oakley /HOULDEN/
FORSSMAN         Louise                   b.1876 d.1931 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Francis (Frank) /RICHARDS/

Gilliss          Grace                    b.1831        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Thomas /Ellis/
GILLISS          Joseph                                          Anc. Des. M1. Catherine /RAPSON/

Hampton          Benjamin                 b.1662                 Anc. Des. M1. Elizabeth //
Hampton          Jane                     b.1688 d.1760 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Justus /Angwin/

Harris           Jane                     b.1785                 Anc. Des. M1. Robert /Ellis/

HOULDEN          Ellen.Oakley             b.1844 d.1916          Anc. Des. M1. Frederick /FORSSMAN/ M2. William /Madder/

Lanyon           Cicely                   b.1519 d.1593 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Martin /Angwin/
Lanyon           John                                   Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Isabell /Ruthfrey/
Lanyon           Richard                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Isabell /Trelysick/
Lanyon           William                  b.1480        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Thomasine /Tregian/

Marrack          Jane                                            Anc. Des. M1. John /Victor/

Matthews         Joseph                   b.1707 d.1795 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Grace /Webb/
Matthews         Mary                     b.1787        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Thomas /RICHARDS/
Matthews         Thomas                   b.1680                 Anc. Des. M1. Hester //
Matthews         Thomas                   b.1746 d.1825 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Jane /Victor/

McDonald         Mary                                            Anc. Des. M1. Thomas /Richards/

RAPSON           Catherine                                       Anc. Des. M1. Joseph /GILLISS/

Respanell        Harry                    b.1540                 Anc. Des. M1. Constance //

Respinall        Jane                     b.1570 d.1624 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Henry /Angwin/

RICHARDS         Francis.(Frank)          b.1853 d.1922 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Merinda /Ellis/
RICHARDS         Francis.(Frank)          b.1875 d.1944 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Louise /FORSSMAN/
RICHARDS         Frederick.Francis        b.1902 d.1978 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Rosetta (Rose) Pearl /Sawkins/
RICHARDS         James                    b.1810 d.1890 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Jane /WRIGHT/
RICHARDS         Leslie                                 Parents. Anc. Des.
Richards         Thomas                                          Anc. Des. M1. Mary /McDonald/
RICHARDS         Thomas                                 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Mary /Matthews/

Ruthfrey         Isabell                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. John /Lanyon/

Sawkins          Rosetta.(Rose).Pearl            d.1986          Anc. Des. M1. Frederick Francis /RICHARDS/

Thomas           Grace                    b.1650                 Anc. Des. M1. Josiah /Angwin/
Thomas           Joan                                            Anc. Des. M1. Justus /Ellis/

Tregian          Thomasine                b.1484                 Anc. Des. M1. William /Lanyon/

Trelysick        David                                           Anc. Des. M1. 
Trelysick        Isabell                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Richard /Lanyon/

Unknown          Mary                                            Anc. Des. M1. Abraham /WRIGHT/

Victor           Jane                                   Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Thomas /Matthews/
Victor           John                                            Anc. Des. M1. Jane /Marrack/

Webb             Grace                    b.1719                 Anc. Des. M1. Joseph /Matthews/

WRIGHT           Abraham                         d.1839          Anc. Des. M1. Mary /Unknown/
WRIGHT           Jane                     b.1816 d.1889 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. James /RICHARDS/
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