Athon /de Courtenay/ b.0985 
                                    Joscelin /de Courtenay/ b.1040 
                                 Miles /de Courtenay/ b.1069 
                                 |  |
                                 |  |  Guy /de Monthery/ 
                                 |  |  |
                                 |  Isabell /de Monthery/ 
                              Reginald /de Courtenay/ d.1194 
                              |  |
                              |  |  Renault /de Nevers/ 
                              |  |  |
                              |  Ermengarde /de Nevers/ 
                           Robert /de Courtenay/ d.1242 
                           |  |
                           |  |  Robert Dnus /d'Abrinces/ 
                           |  |  |
                           |  Hawise /d'Abrinces/ d.1209 
                           |     |
                           |     |  Randulphus Dnus /de Avenell/ 
                           |     |  |
                           |     Matilda /de Avenell/ 
                           |        |
                           |        Alicia /de Bryonis/ 
                           |           |
                           |           |        ...
                           |           |        |
                           |           |     Gilbert // 
                           |           |     |
                           |           |  Baldwin /de Bryonis/ 
                           |           |  |
                           |           Adelicia /de Bryonis/ d.1142 
                           |              |
                           |              Albreda // 
                        John /de Courtenay/ d.1273 
                        |  |
                        |  |  William /Redvers/ 
                        |  |  |
                        |  Mary /Redvers/ 
                     Hugh /de Courtenay/ d.1291 
                     |  |
                     |  |  Hugh /de Vere/ 
                     |  |  |
                     |  Isabell /de Vere/ 
                  Hugh /de Courtenay/ d.1340 
                  |  |
                  |  |  Hugh /le Despenser/ 
                  |  |  |
                  |  Eleanor /le Despenser/ d.1328 
               Hugh /de Courtenay/ b.1303 d.1377 
               |  |
               |  |  John /St. John/ 
               |  |  |
               |  Agnes /St. John/ d.1340 
            Philip /Courtenay/ d.1406 
            |  |
            |  |                    Henry /de Bohun/ d.1250 
            |  |                    |
            |  |                 Humphrey /de Bohun/ d.1182 
            |  |                 |  |
            |  |                 |  |           ...
            |  |                 |  |           |
            |  |                 |  |        David I the Saint // b.1080 d.1153 
            |  |                 |  |        |  |
            |  |                 |  |        |  ...
            |  |                 |  |        |  
            |  |                 |  |     Henry /of Huntingdon/ d.1152 
            |  |                 |  |     |  |
            |  |                 |  |     |  Matilda // d.1131 
            |  |                 |  |     |  
            |  |                 |  |  David /of Huntingdon/ d.1219 
            |  |                 |  |  |  |
            |  |                 |  |  |  Adama // 
            |  |                 |  |  |  
            |  |                 |  Ada // 
            |  |                 |     |
            |  |                 |     |  Hugh /Keveliock/ 
            |  |                 |     |  |
            |  |                 |     Matilda // d.1233 
            |  |                 |     
            |  |              Henry /de Bohun/ d.1220 
            |  |              |  |
            |  |              |  Margaret // 
            |  |              |  
            |  |           Humphry /de Bohun/ d.1273 
            |  |           |  |
            |  |           |  |  Geoffry /Fitz-Piers/ 
            |  |           |  |  |
            |  |           |  Maude /Fitz-Piers/ 
            |  |           |  
            |  |        Humphry /de Bohun/ 
            |  |        |  |
            |  |        |  |  Unknown // 
            |  |        |  |  |
            |  |        |  Maude // 
            |  |        |  
            |  |     Humphry /de Bohun/ d.1297 
            |  |     |  |
            |  |     |  |  William /de Broase/ 
            |  |     |  |  |
            |  |     |  Eleanor /de Broase/ 
            |  |     |  
            |  |  Humphry /de Bohun/ d.1322 
            |  |  |  |
            |  |  |  |  William /de Fienles/ 
            |  |  |  |  |
            |  |  |  Maude /de Fienles/ 
            |  |  |  
            |  Margaret /de Bohun/ d.1391 
            |     |
            |     |              Geoffrey V /Plantagenet/ d.1151 
            |     |              |
            |     |           Henry II Curtmantle // b.1133 d.1189 
            |     |           |  |
            |     |           |  |              ...
            |     |           |  |              |
            |     |           |  |           Richard II // b.0958 d.1026 
            |     |           |  |           |  |
            |     |           |  |           |  ...
            |     |           |  |           |  
            |     |           |  |        Robert (the Devil) // b.0999 d.1035 
            |     |           |  |        |  |
            |     |           |  |        |  |  ...
            |     |           |  |        |  |  |
            |     |           |  |        |  Judith /of Brittany/ b.0982 d.1017 
            |     |           |  |        |     |
            |     |           |  |        |     ...
            |     |           |  |        |     
            |     |           |  |     William I the Conqueror // b.1027 d.1087 
            |     |           |  |     |  |
            |     |           |  |     |  |  Fulbert /of Falaise/ 
            |     |           |  |     |  |  |
            |     |           |  |     |  Herleva // b.1003 
            |     |           |  |     |     |
            |     |           |  |     |     Doda // 
            |     |           |  |     |     
            |     |           |  |  Henry I Beauclerc // b.1068 d.1135 
            |     |           |  |  |  |
            |     |           |  |  |  |        ...
            |     |           |  |  |  |        |
            |     |           |  |  |  |     Baldwin IV /of Flanders/ b.0980 d.1036 
            |     |           |  |  |  |     |  |
            |     |           |  |  |  |     |  ...
            |     |           |  |  |  |     |  
            |     |           |  |  |  |  Baldwin V /of Flanders/ b.1012 d.1083 
            |     |           |  |  |  |  |  |
            |     |           |  |  |  |  |  |  ...
            |     |           |  |  |  |  |  |  |
            |     |           |  |  |  |  |  Ogive /of Luxembourg/ b.0995 d.1030 
            |     |           |  |  |  |  |     |
            |     |           |  |  |  |  |     ...
            |     |           |  |  |  |  |     
            |     |           |  |  |  Matilda /of Flanders/ b.1031 d.1083 
            |     |           |  |  |     |
            |     |           |  |  |     |     ...
            |     |           |  |  |     |     |
            |     |           |  |  |     |  Robert II (the Pious) // b.0972 d.1031 
            |     |           |  |  |     |  |  |
            |     |           |  |  |     |  |  ...
            |     |           |  |  |     |  |  
            |     |           |  |  |     AdËle /of France/ d.1079 
            |     |           |  |  |        |
            |     |           |  |  |        |  ...
            |     |           |  |  |        |  |
            |     |           |  |  |        Constance /of Arles/ b.0986 d.1032 
            |     |           |  |  |           |
            |     |           |  |  |           ...
            |     |           |  |  |           
            |     |           |  Matilda // b.1103 d.1167 
            |     |           |     |
            |     |           |     |  *Malcolm III Canmore // d.1093 
            |     |           |     |  |
            |     |           |     Matilda (Edith) /of Scotland/ b.1079 d.1118 
            |     |           |        |
            |     |           |        *St Margaret // d.1093 
            |     |           |        
            |     |        John Lackland // b.1167 d.1216 
            |     |        |  |
            |     |        |  |  William X /of Aquitaine/ b.1099 d.1137 
            |     |        |  |  |
            |     |        |  Eleanor /of Aquitaine/ b.1122 d.1204 
            |     |        |  
            |     |     Henry III // b.1207 d.1272 
            |     |     |  |
            |     |     |  |  Aymer /Taillefer/ 
            |     |     |  |  |
            |     |     |  Isabella /of Angouleme/ b.1188 d.1246 
            |     |     |     |
            |     |     |     Alice /de Courtenay/ 
            |     |     |     
            |     |  Edward I (Longshanks) // b.1239 d.1307 
            |     |  |  |
            |     |  |  |  Raymond /of Provence/ 
            |     |  |  |  |
            |     |  |  Eleanor /of Provence/ b.1217 d.1291 
            |     |  |  
            |     Elizabeth // b.1282 d.1316 
            |        |
            |        |     Alfonso IX // d.1230 
            |        |     |
            |        |  Ferdinand III // b.1199 d.1252 
            |        |  |  |
            |        |  |  |     Sancho III // b.1134 d.1158 
            |        |  |  |     |
            |        |  |  |  Alfonso VIII // b.1155 d.1214 
            |        |  |  |  |
            |        |  |  Berengaria // b.1171 d.1246 
            |        |  |     |
            |        |  |     |  *Henry II Curtmantle // b.1133 d.1189 
            |        |  |     |  |
            |        |  |     Eleanor // b.1162 d.1214 
            |        |  |        |
            |        |  |        *Eleanor /of Aquitaine/ b.1122 d.1204 
            |        |  |        
            |        Eleanor /of Castile/ b.1244 d.1290 
            |           |
            |           |                 *Robert II (the Pious) // b.0972 d.1031 
            |           |                 |
            |           |              Henry I // b.1008 d.1060 
            |           |              |  |
            |           |              |  *Constance /of Arles/ b.0986 d.1032 
            |           |              |  
            |           |           Philip I the Fair // b.1052 d.1108 
            |           |           |  |
            |           |           |  Anne /of Kiev/ b.1024 d.1066 
            |           |           |  
            |           |        Louis VI the Fat // b.1081 d.1137 
            |           |        |  |
            |           |        |  Bertha /of Holland/ d.1093 
            |           |        |  
            |           |     Louis VII the Younger // b.1121 d.1180 
            |           |     |  |
            |           |     |  Adelaide /of Savoy/ d.1154 
            |           |     |  
            |           |  Philip II Augustus // b.1165 d.1223 
            |           |  |  |
            |           |  |  Adele /of Champagne/ d.1206 
            |           |  |  
            |           Beatrix // 
         John /Courtenay/ 
         |  |
         |  |  Thomas /Wake/ 
         |  |  |
         |  Anne /Wake/ d.1419 
      Philip /Courtenay/ d.1463 
      |  |
      |  |  Richard /Champernowns/ 
      |  |  |
      |  Joan /Champernowns/ d.1419 
      |     |
      |     |  Thomas /De Astley/ 
      |     |  |
      |     Alice /De Astley/ 
   Walter /Courtenay/ d.1506 
   |  |
   |  |  Walter /Hungerford/ 
   |  |  |
   |  Elizabeth /Hungerford/ d.1476 
 Walter /Courtenay/ b.1491 
   Alice /Unknown/ 

                 Ada                                    Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Henry /de Bohun/
                 Adama                                           Anc. Des. M1. Henry /of Huntingdon/
                 Albreda                                         Anc. Des. M1. Baldwin /de Bryonis/
                 Alfonso.IX                      d.1230          Anc. Des. M1. Berengaria // M2. 
                 Alfonso.VIII             b.1155 d.1214 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Eleanor //
                 Beatrix                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Ferdinand III //
                 Berengaria               b.1171 d.1246 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Alfonso IX //
                 David.I.the.Saint        b.1080 d.1153 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Matilda //
                 Doda                                            Anc. Des. M1. Fulbert /of Falaise/
                 Edward.I.(Longshanks)    b.1239 d.1307 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Eleanor /of Castile/ M2. Marguerite /of France/
                 Eleanor                  b.1162 d.1214 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Alfonso VIII //
                 Elizabeth                b.1282 d.1316 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. John I // M2. Humphry /de Bohun/
                 Ferdinand.III            b.1199 d.1252 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Beatrix //
                 Gilbert                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. 
                 Godfrey                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. 
                 Henry.I                  b.1008 d.1060 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Matilda /of Germany/ M2. Anne /of Kiev/
                 Henry.I.Beauclerc        b.1068 d.1135 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Matilda (Edith) /of Scotland/ M2. Adeliza /of Louvain/
                 Henry.II.Curtmantle      b.1133 d.1189 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Eleanor /of Aquitaine/
                 Henry.III                b.1207 d.1272 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Eleanor /of Provence/
                 Herleva                  b.1003        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Robert (the Devil) // M2. Herluin /of Conteville/
                 John.Lackland            b.1167 d.1216 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Isabella /De Clare/ M2. Isabella /of Angouleme/
                 Louis.VI.the.Fat         b.1081 d.1137 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Lucienne /of Rochefort/ M2. Adelaide /of Savoy/
                 Louis.VII.the.Younger    b.1121 d.1180 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Eleanor /of Aquitaine/ M2. Constance /of Castile/ M3. Adele /of Champagne/
                 Malcolm.III.Canmore             d.1093 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Ingibiorg // M2. St Margaret //
                 Margaret                                        Anc. Des. M1. Humphrey /de Bohun/
                 Matilda                         d.1131          Anc. Des. M1. David I the Saint //
                 Matilda                         d.1233 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. David /of Huntingdon/
                 Matilda                  b.1103 d.1167 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Henry V // M2. Geoffrey V /Plantagenet/
                 Maude                                  Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Humphry /de Bohun/
                 Philip.I.the.Fair        b.1052 d.1108 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Bertha /of Holland/ M2. Bertrada /de Montfort/
                 Philip.II.Augustus       b.1165 d.1223 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Isabella /of Hainault/ M2. Ingeborg // M3. Agnes /of Meranie/ M4. 
                 Richard.II               b.0958 d.1026 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Judith /of Brittany/
                 Robert.(the.Devil)       b.0999 d.1035 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Herleva //
                 Robert.II.(the.Pious)    b.0972 d.1031 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Unknown // M2. Bertha /of Burgundy/ M3. Constance /of Arles/
                 Sancho.III               b.1134 d.1158          Anc. Des. M1. 
                 St.Margaret                     d.1093 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Malcolm III Canmore //
                 Unknown                                         Anc. Des. M1. 
                 William.I.the.Conqueror  b.1027 d.1087 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Matilda /of Flanders/

Capet            Hugh                     b.0941 d.0996 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Adelaide /of Poitou/

Champernowns     Joan                            d.1419 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. John /Courtenay/
Champernowns     Richard                                         Anc. Des. M1. Alice /De Astley/

Courtenay        John                                   Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Joan /Champernowns/
Courtenay        Philip                          d.1406 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Anne /Wake/
Courtenay        Philip                          d.1463 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Elizabeth /Hungerford/
Courtenay        Walter                          d.1506 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Alice /Unknown/
Courtenay        Walter                   b.1491        Parents. Anc. Des.

d'Abrinces       Hawise                          d.1209 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Reginald /de Courtenay/
d'Abrinces       Robert.Dnus                                     Anc. Des. M1. Matilda /de Avenell/

De.Astley        Alice                                  Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Richard /Champernowns/
De.Astley        Thomas                                          Anc. Des. M1. 

de.Avenell       Matilda                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Robert Dnus /d'Abrinces/ M2. Robert //
de.Avenell       Randulphus.Dnus                                 Anc. Des. M1. Alicia /de Bryonis/

de.Bohun         Henry                           d.1250          Anc. Des. M1. Ada //
de.Bohun         Henry                           d.1220 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Maude /Fitz-Piers/
de.Bohun         Humphrey                        d.1182 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Margaret //
de.Bohun         Humphry                         d.1273 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Maude //
de.Bohun         Humphry                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Eleanor /de Broase/
de.Bohun         Humphry                         d.1297 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Maude /de Fienles/
de.Bohun         Humphry                         d.1322 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Elizabeth //
de.Bohun         Margaret                        d.1391 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Hugh /de Courtenay/

de.Broase        Eleanor                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Humphry /de Bohun/
de.Broase        William                                         Anc. Des. M1. 

de.Bryonis       Adelicia                        d.1142 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. 
de.Bryonis       Alicia                                 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Randulphus Dnus /de Avenell/
de.Bryonis       Baldwin                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Albreda //

de.Courtenay     Alice                                           Anc. Des. M1. Aymer /Taillefer/
de.Courtenay     Athon                    b.0985                 Anc. Des. M1. 
de.Courtenay     Hugh                            d.1291 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Eleanor /le Despenser/
de.Courtenay     Hugh                            d.1340 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Agnes /St. John/
de.Courtenay     Hugh                     b.1303 d.1377 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Margaret /de Bohun/
de.Courtenay     John                            d.1273 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Isabell /de Vere/
de.Courtenay     Joscelin                 b.1040        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Hildegard /Feroll/ M2. Isabell /de Monthery/
de.Courtenay     Miles                    b.1069        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Ermengarde /de Nevers/
de.Courtenay     Reginald                        d.1194 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Matilda /du Donjon/ M2. Hawise /d'Abrinces/
de.Courtenay     Robert                          d.1242 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Mary /Redvers/

de.Crepon        Gunnora                         d.1027          Anc. Des. M1. Richard I (the Fearless) /of Normandy/

de.Fienles       Maude                                  Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Humphry /de Bohun/
de.Fienles       William                                         Anc. Des. M1. 

de.Monthery      Guy                                             Anc. Des. M1. 
de.Monthery      Isabell                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Joscelin /de Courtenay/

de.Nevers        Ermengarde                             Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Miles /de Courtenay/
de.Nevers        Renault                                         Anc. Des. M1. 

de.Vere          Hugh                                            Anc. Des. M1. 
de.Vere          Isabell                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. John /de Courtenay/ M2. Oliver /Dinham/

Fitz-Piers       Geoffry                                         Anc. Des. M1. 
Fitz-Piers       Maude                                  Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Henry /de Bohun/

Gleiberg         Ermentrude.von                         Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Frederick I /of Luxembourg/

Hungerford       Elizabeth                       d.1476 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Philip /Courtenay/
Hungerford       Walter                                          Anc. Des. M1. 

Keveliock        Hugh                                            Anc. Des. M1. 

le.Despenser     Eleanor                         d.1328 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Hugh /de Courtenay/
le.Despenser     Hugh                                            Anc. Des. M1. 

of.Angouleme     Isabella                 b.1188 d.1246 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. John Lackland // M2. Hugh de la Marche /le Brun/

of.Anjou         Adelaide                 b.0942 d.1026 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. William /of Provence/
of.Anjou         Ermengarde                             Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Conan I /of Rennes/

of.Aquitaine     Eleanor                  b.1122 d.1204 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Louis VII the Younger // M2. Henry II Curtmantle //
of.Aquitaine     William.X                b.1099 d.1137          Anc. Des. M1. 

of.Arles         Constance                b.0986 d.1032 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Robert II (the Pious) //

of.Brittany      Judith                   b.0982 d.1017 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Richard II //

of.Castile       Eleanor                  b.1244 d.1290 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Edward I (Longshanks) //

of.Champagne     Adele                           d.1206          Anc. Des. M1. Louis VII the Younger //

of.Denmark       Gunnor                          d.1027          Anc. Des. M1. Richard I (the Fearless) /of Normandy/

of.Falais        Arlette                  b.1003        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Robert (the Devil) // M2. Herluin /of Conteville/

of.Falaise       Fulbert                                         Anc. Des. M1. Doda //

of.Flanders      Arnold.II                b.0961 d.0987 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Rosela /of Italy/
of.Flanders      Baldwin.IV               b.0980 d.1036 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Ogive /of Luxembourg/
of.Flanders      Baldwin.V                b.1012 d.1083 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. AdËle /of France/
of.Flanders      Matilda                  b.1031 d.1083 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. William I the Conqueror //
of.Flanders      Maud                     b.1031 d.1083 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. William I the Conqueror //

of.France        AdËle                          d.1079 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Baldwin V /of Flanders/

of.Holland       Bertha                          d.1093          Anc. Des. M1. Philip I the Fair //

of.Huntingdon    David                           d.1219 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Matilda //
of.Huntingdon    Henry                           d.1152 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Adama //

of.Italy         Rosela                   b.0952 d.1003 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Arnold II /of Flanders/

of.Kiev          Anne                     b.1024 d.1066          Anc. Des. M1. Henry I //

of.Luxembourg    Frederick.I              b.0965 d.1019 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Ermentrude von /Gleiberg/
of.Luxembourg    Ogive                    b.0995 d.1030 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Baldwin IV /of Flanders/

of.Normandy      Richard.I.(the.Fearless) b.0933 d.0966 Parents. Anc. Des. M1.  M2. Gunnora /de Crepon/

of.Poitou        Adelaide                 b.0945 d.1004 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Hugh /Capet/

of.Provence      Constance                b.0986 d.1032 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Robert II (the Pious) //
of.Provence      Eleanor                  b.1217 d.1291 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Henry III //
of.Provence      Raymond                                         Anc. Des. M1. 
of.Provence      William                  b.0950 d.0994 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Adelaide /of Anjou/

of.Rennes        Conan.I                         d.0992 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Ermengarde /of Anjou/

of.Savoy         Adelaide                        d.1154          Anc. Des. M1. Louis VI the Fat //

of.Scotland      Matilda.(Edith)          b.1079 d.1118 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Henry I Beauclerc //

Plantagenet      Geoffrey.V                      d.1151          Anc. Des. M1. Matilda //

Redvers          Mary                                   Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Robert /de Courtenay/ M2. Peter /Prouz/
Redvers          William                                         Anc. Des. M1. 

St..John         Agnes                           d.1340 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Hugh /de Courtenay/
St..John         John                                            Anc. Des. M1. 

Taillefer        Aymer                                           Anc. Des. M1. Alice /de Courtenay/

Unknown          Alice                                           Anc. Des. M1. Walter /Courtenay/

Wake             Anne                            d.1419 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Philip /Courtenay/
Wake             Thomas                                          Anc. Des. M1. 
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