Brendan /Baushd?/ 
 Kevin /Baushd?/ 
   |              John /Searson/ 
   |              |
   |           John /Searson/ 
   |           |
   |        Robert /Searson/ 
   |        |  |
   |        |  P /Boukley/ 
   |        |  
   |     John /Searson/ 
   |     |  |
   |     |  Ellen /Kennedy/ 
   |     |  
   |  Charles /Searson/ 
   |  |  |
   |  |  Bridget /Leahy/ 
   |  |  
   Mary /Searson/ 
      Harriet /Murphy/ 

Baushd?          Brendan                                         Anc. Des. M1. Mary /Searson/
Baushd?          Kevin                                  Parents. Anc. Des.

Boukley          P                                               Anc. Des. M1. John /Searson/

Kennedy          Ellen                                           Anc. Des. M1. Robert /Searson/

Leahy            Bridget                                         Anc. Des. M1. John /Searson/

Murphy           Harriet                                         Anc. Des. M1. Charles /Searson/

Searson          Charles                                Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Harriet /Murphy/
Searson          John                                            Anc. Des. M1. 
Searson          John                                   Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Jane /Clanbrassel?/ M2. P /Boukley/
Searson          John                                   Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Bridget /Leahy/
Searson          Mary                                   Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Brendan /Baushd?/
Searson          Robert                                 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Ellen /Kennedy/
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