James /SCOTT/ b.1676 d.1730 
         Marmaduke /SCOTT/ b.1697 
         |  |
         |  Elizabeth // b.1677 
      Henry /SCOTT/ b.1723 
      |  |
      |  Jane /BICKNELL/ b.1700 d.1764 
   Marmaduke /SCOTT/ b.1754 d.1842 
   |  |
   |  Elizabeth /PRIGG/ b.1725 
 Elizabeth /SCOTT/ b.1786 d.1879 
   Fanny /LANGDON/ b.1754 d.1847 

                 Elizabeth                b.1677                 Anc. Des. M1. James /SCOTT/

BICKNELL         Jane                     b.1700 d.1764          Anc. Des. M1. Marmaduke /SCOTT/

LANGDON          Fanny                    b.1754 d.1847          Anc. Des. M1. Marmaduke /SCOTT/

PRIGG            Elizabeth                b.1725                 Anc. Des. M1. Henry /SCOTT/

SCOTT            Elizabeth                b.1786 d.1879 Parents. Anc. Des.
SCOTT            Henry                    b.1723        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Elizabeth /PRIGG/
SCOTT            James                    b.1676 d.1730          Anc. Des. M1. Elizabeth //
SCOTT            Marmaduke                b.1697        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Jane /BICKNELL/
SCOTT            Marmaduke                b.1754 d.1842 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Fanny /LANGDON/
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