Franz Wilhelm /of Prussia/ b.1943 
 George /of Russia/ b.1981 
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   |  Vladimir Cyrilovitch /Romanov/ b.1917 
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   |  |  ...
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   Maria /of Russia/ b.1953 
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      Leonide Bagration- Moukhransky // b.1914 

                 George.Bagration-.Mukhra                        Anc. Des. M1. 
                 Leonide.Bagration-.Moukh b.1914        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Vladimir Cyrilovitch /Romanov/

of.Edinburgh     Victoria.Melita          b.1876 d.1936 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Ernest Louis /of Hesse/ M2. Cyril Vladimirovitch /Romanov/

of.Prussia       Franz.Wilhelm            b.1943                 Anc. Des. M1. Maria /of Russia/

of.Russia        George                   b.1981        Parents. Anc. Des.
of.Russia        Maria                    b.1953        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Franz Wilhelm /of Prussia/

Romanov          Cyril.Vladimirovitch     b.1876 d.1938 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Victoria Melita /of Edinburgh/
Romanov          Vladimir.Cyrilovitch     b.1917        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Sumner M. /Kirby/ M2. Leonide Bagration- Moukhransky //
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