William I /Wurttemberg/ b.1781 d.1864 m.Charlotte /Wittelsbach/ b.1792 d.1873 | |m.Catherine /of Russia/ b.1788 d.1819 | | | |-Marie /Wurttemberg/ b.1816 d.1887 | |-Sophie /Wurttemberg/ b.1818 d.1877 | |m. 18 JUN 1839 William III /of Netherlands/ b.1817 d.1890 ,m. at Stuttgart | | | |-William // b.1840 d.1879 | |-Maurice // b.1843 d.1850 | |-Alexander // b.1851 d.1884 | |m.Pauline /of Wurttemberg/ b.1800 d.1873 | |-Catherine /Wurttemberg/ b.1821 d.1898 |m.Frederick /Wurttemberg/ b.1808 d.1870 | | | |-William II /Wurttemberg/ b.1848 d.1921 | |m.Marie /of Waldeck-and Pyrmont/ b.1857 d.1882 | | | | | |- 2 Children | | | |m.Charlotte /of Schaumburg-Lippe/ b.1864 d.1946 | | |-Charles I /Wurttemberg/ b.1823 d.1891 |m.Olga /of Russia/ b.1822 d.1892 | |-Augusta /Wurttemberg/ b.1826 d.1898 |m.Hermann /of Saxe-Weimar/
Alexander b.1851 d.1884 Parents. Anc. Des. Frederick Anc. Des. M1. Pauline /Wurttemberg/ Maurice b.1843 d.1850 Parents. Anc. Des. William b.1840 d.1879 Parents. Anc. Des. of.Netherlands William.III b.1817 d.1890 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Sophie /Wurttemberg/ M2. Emma /of Netherlands/ of.Russia Catherine b.1788 d.1819 Anc. Des. M1. William I /Wurttemberg/ of.Russia Olga b.1822 d.1892 Anc. Des. M1. Charles I /Wurttemberg/ of.Saxe-Weimar Hermann Anc. Des. M1. Augusta /Wurttemberg/ of.Schaumburg-Li Charlotte b.1864 d.1946 Anc. Des. M1. William II /Wurttemberg/ of.Waldeck-and.P Marie b.1857 d.1882 Anc. Des. M1. William II /Wurttemberg/ of.Wurttemberg Pauline b.1800 d.1873 Anc. Des. M1. William I /Wurttemberg/ Wittelsbach Charlotte b.1792 d.1873 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. William I /Wurttemberg/ Wurttemberg Augusta b.1826 d.1898 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Hermann /of Saxe-Weimar/ Wurttemberg Catherine b.1821 d.1898 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Frederick /Wurttemberg/ Wurttemberg Charles.I b.1823 d.1891 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Olga /of Russia/ Wurttemberg Frederick b.1808 d.1870 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Catherine /Wurttemberg/ Wurttemberg Marie b.1816 d.1887 Parents. Anc. Des. Wurttemberg Pauline b.1877 d.1965 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Frederick // Wurttemberg Sophie b.1818 d.1877 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. William III /of Netherlands/ Wurttemberg Ulrich b.1880 d.1880 Parents. Anc. Des. Wurttemberg William.I b.1781 d.1864 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Charlotte /Wittelsbach/ M2. Catherine /of Russia/ M3. Pauline /of Wurttemberg/ Wurttemberg William.II b.1848 d.1921 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Marie /of Waldeck-and Pyrmont/ M2. Charlotte /of Schaumburg-Lippe/Go to the Tree's Entry Page.
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