David Bassett /GUILD/ b.1920 
 Warwick Duckworth /GUILD/ b.1947 
   |  Harry Burrows /DUCKWORTH/ d.1982 
   |  |
   Nola Ada /DUCKWORTH/ b.1922 
      |  ...
      |  |
      Violet Ada /JONES/ 

DUCKWORTH        Harry.Burrows                   d.1982          Anc. Des. M1. Violet Ada /JONES/
DUCKWORTH        Nola.Ada                 b.1922        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. David Bassett /GUILD/

GUILD            David.Bassett            b.1920                 Anc. Des. M1. Nola Ada /DUCKWORTH/
GUILD            Warwick.Duckworth        b.1947        Parents. Anc. Des.

JONES            Arthur.S.J               b.1868 d.1900 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Ada Amelia /READ/
JONES            Violet.Ada                             Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Harry Burrows /DUCKWORTH/

READ             Ada.Amelia                                      Anc. Des. M1. Arthur S J /JONES/
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