Alexander V. /Bariatinsky/ b.1870 d.1910 
 Andrei /Bariatinsky/ b.1902 d.1931 
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   |  Alexander II Nicholoevich /Romanov/ b.1818 d.1881 
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   |  |  ...
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   Catherine /Romanov/ b.1878 d.1959 
      Catherine /Yourievska/ b.1847 d.1922 

Bariatinsky      Alexander.V              b.1870 d.1910          Anc. Des. M1. Catherine /Romanov/
Bariatinsky      Andrei                   b.1902 d.1931 Parents. Anc. Des.

of.Prussia       Charlotte                b.1798 d.1860 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Nicholas I /Romanov/

Romanov          Alexander.II.Nicholoevic b.1818 d.1881 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Marie /of Hesse-Darmstadt/ M2. Catherine /Yourievska/
Romanov          Catherine                b.1878 d.1959 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Alexander V. /Bariatinsky/ M2. Serge /Obelensky/
Romanov          Nicholas.I               b.1796 d.1855 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Charlotte /of Prussia/

Yourievska       Catherine                b.1847 d.1922          Anc. Des. M1. Alexander II Nicholoevich /Romanov/
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