      William John Frederick /BRASS/ b.1883 d.1966 
      |  |
      |  ...
   Leslie William /BRASS/ b.1914 
   |  |
   |  Ruth /COX/ 
 John Ellis /BRASS/ b.1946 
   Coral Jane /ELLIS/ 

BRASS            John.Ellis               b.1946        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. K. /BEARD/ M2. P. /GREGORY/
BRASS            Leslie.William           b.1914        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Coral Jane /ELLIS/
BRASS            William                  b.1856 d.1935 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Jane /WATSON/
BRASS            William.John.Frederick   b.1883 d.1966 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Ruth /COX/

COX              Ruth                                            Anc. Des. M1. William John Frederick /BRASS/

ELLIS            Coral.Jane                                      Anc. Des. M1. Leslie William /BRASS/

WATSON           Jane                                            Anc. Des. M1. William /BRASS/
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