Baadhout (Ben) /VAN DER MIJE/ b.1914 d.1971 
 Walter Stephen /VAN DER MIJE/ b.1948 
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   |  Walter James /GEE/ b.1873 d.1952 
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   |  |  ...
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   Gwendyth Eldridge /GEE/ b.1913 
      Hester (Hetty) /MOORE/ b.1880 d.1941 

GEE              Gwendyth.Eldridge        b.1913        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Baadhout (Ben) /VAN DER MIJE/
GEE              Thomas.James             b.1837 d.1911 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Eliza /KAY/
GEE              Walter.James             b.1873 d.1952 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Hester (Hetty) /MOORE/

KAY              Eliza                    b.1838 d.1897 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Thomas James /GEE/

MOORE            Hester.(Hetty)           b.1880 d.1941          Anc. Des. M1. Walter James /GEE/

VAN.DER.MIJE     Baadhout.(Ben)           b.1914 d.1971          Anc. Des. M1. Gwendyth Eldridge /GEE/
VAN.DER.MIJE     Walter.Stephen           b.1948        Parents. Anc. Des.
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