      Thomas /Williams/ b.1782 d.pre-1841 
      |  |
      |  ...
   Jacob /Williams/ b.1814 d.1895 
   |  |
   |  |  ...
   |  |  |
   |  Martha /TAYLOR/ b.1778 d.pre-1841 
   |     |
   |     ...
 Harriett /Williams/ b.1863 
   |     ...
   |     |
   |  Thomas /Howard/ b.1788 d.1861 
   |  |  |
   |  |  ...
   |  |  
   Harriet /Howard/ b.1819 d.1893 
      |  ...
      |  |
      Letitia /Russell/ b.1790 d.1845 

                 Ann                      b.1750 d.1800          Anc. Des. M1. Nicholas /TAYLOR/
                 Mary                                            Anc. Des. M1. Richard /Russell/

Howard           Harriet                  b.1819 d.1893 Parents. Anc. Des. M1.  M2. Jacob /Williams/
Howard           Letitia                  b.1790 d.1845 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Thomas /Howard/
Howard           Mary                     b.1745        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Richard /Howard/
Howard           Richard                  b.1745        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Mary /Jones/
Howard           Thomas                   b.1788 d.1861 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Letitia /Russell/

Jones            Mary                     b.1745        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Richard /Howard/

RAWLING.STEVEN   Mary                                            Anc. Des. M1. Thomas /Williams/

Russell          Letitia                  b.1790 d.1845 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Thomas /Howard/
Russell          Mary                                            Anc. Des. M1. Richard /Russell/
Russell          Richard                  b.1768 d.1851 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Mary //

TAYLOR           Martha                   b.1778        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Thomas /Williams/
TAYLOR           Nicholas                 b.1744 d.1825          Anc. Des. M1. Ann //

Williams         Harriet                  b.1819 d.1893 Parents. Anc. Des. M1.  M2. Jacob /Williams/
Williams         Harriett                 b.1863        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. 
Williams         Jacob                    b.1814 d.1895 Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Harriet /Howard/
Williams         Thomas                   b.1749        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Mary /RAWLING STEVEN/
Williams         Thomas                   b.1782        Parents. Anc. Des. M1. Martha /TAYLOR/
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